Would you like to help us Spread Culture & Good Music?


April 24, 2009




I just checked my email as I usually do when I wake up, only difference between now and a few weeks ago, is instead of waking up and just getting to business as usual, I'm forced to go thru A mission impossible type routine each morning and quietly sneak into my brothers room and quickly dismantle his laptop which is hooked up to his Flat screen and Xbox 360 without waking him up being I am the only one who wakes up so early.

So, I noticed A email from my most frequently visited website KevinKnottingham.com which Is displayed word for word below.....


"KevinNottingham.com is offline permanently until further notice.
After being threatened by my hosting company to take the site down for overloading server resources, I found a new host. Spent the last 24 hours moving everything over to the new server. After moving it to the new server, it crashed their server within an hour and they have suspended the site. Not sure when it'll be back online, but there's nothing I can really do at this point except wait to find out what the problem is. We'll be back after all this gets straightened out. Please spread the word. Thanks!
" - [Kevin Nottingham]

Kevin Nottingham
Owner, KevinNottingham.com
Owner, RapCredits.com

WORDSfromtheHERO Continued.....
Well, 1st thing I thought of was to post his email on The HsH for a few reasons, I wanted to help spread the message he was trying to send and I wanted to shine light on the Website that pops up in my history more than any other website. KEVINNOTTINGHAM isn't your usual Tastemaker Website featuring Gadgets and Clothing and Whatever Flash in the pan Artist is hot on all these other blogs.... KEVIN'S site is focused on HIPHOP music PERIOD. In all forms, Everything from Underground Heavywieghts, to more Radio Friendly and even Unknown artists. He has A Section for Producers, New albums and my personal favorite (the reason I am on the site so often) An "Original Samples" section which features Sample sets of the original songs sampled to create the most Classic of hiphop albums. Another great section for musicians looking for an outlet for their music is Kevin's feature he titles "THE INBOX" which is A section dedicated to all the misc music that is sent directly to him thru-out the week in question.

The Inbox / Kevinknottingham

"I’ve decided to extend the inbox to anything that gets sent to me that I don’t put up, not just the unknown artists. There are cats that are leaking stuff every week and I just don’t get a chance to get it all online. But this feature will only be music that is sent directly to me. These posts are great if you like goodie bags. You never know what gems you may find in here." - KevinKnottingham

Whatever your flavor way be, KEVINKNOTTINGHAM.COM will definitly meet your demand. So it was A big relief when I went to the website during the creation of this post and noticed an UPDATE that the issue has been resolved and KN is back online!!!!! Tho everyone is always telling me not to promote other websites on my blog/website because it will draw away my readers/subscribers... I am more than happy to send my readers to another amazing website, In fact once I get my Macbook back online (IF I GET IT BACK UP and RUNNING) I am going to LAUNCH my SECOND Website which I will keep the concept under wraps for the time being. For now go Ahead and read the Update posted below strait from Kevin's Mouth (or Keyboard) himself! and then, LEAVE THE HOBBYSHOP HERO and GO VISIT KEVINKNOTTINGHAM.COM!!!!! (but please come back hahahah)

UPDATE!!!!!!!!! <----------------

"Looks like overnight the site came back online. I was up last night with the technical support guys trying to figure out what the hell went on. The way they explained it at first, it sounded like I wouldn’t be able to put the site back up unless I rebuilt it from scratch. So I sent a mass email out to tell everyone that the site would be gone until further notice. Some of you may be just now getting that email, checking the site and saying, “what’s he talking about, it’s online now!” lol Well, for now anyway.

Looks like the culprit of our server overload was a Wordpress plugin. I’m still not sure which plugin it was, so a lot of unessential plugins have been disabled. I have a feeling it may have been the flash widget that used to sit up at the top of the site. At any rate, we’re back online for now. I’m gonna take some time to day to update content and get us going again. Hopefully the problem has been contained and we can move on like normal!" - [Kevin Nottingham]


Do you have some music you wanna get posted on the site? Want us to check out your work for a possible Artist/Producer Spotlight? Please use the form below to submit your music or your artists’ music. In your message, include a link to download the album/mixtape/project and a brief description. A link to any album artwork would be a bonus. Please, no links to your MySpace saying, “check me out!”.

Do you have a song in your head and you can’t figure out what the original sample is? Or maybe you just have a request for one of our next sample sets. Whatever the case, hit us up below and we’ll try our best to answer your sample questions.

Did you recently release an album and would like to have it reviewed on our site? Fill out the form below with the details and a link to your album. All albums will be held with the highest confidentiality and will not be leaked. We will listen to the album and let you know if we can review or not.

Do you have an artist who is on the come up and would like to get interviewed on the site? Fill out the form below and we’ll see what we can do. All interviews are conducted via email or online chat. Please include as much information as possible about the artists and why they should be interviewed.

All other requests, general inquiries, website problems, etc can be submitted below.

I felt it important to post the Contact Info and Request Info that Kevin provides on his webpage so you can see the type of Dedication he has to his readers.

Peace Cats and Kittens,

The HERO, Dutchmassive