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April 14, 2009

"DAYLIGHT HALLUCINATIONS" artwork & custom sneakers by SEKURE D

Melbourne based sneaker customizer, Sekure D's first solo exhibition "Daylight Hallucinations" is set to take place @ Hogan Gallery on April 17th and runs till the 30th. It features both custom sneakers and a collection of canvas artworks painted over 2008 and 2009. All are welcome.

With this current exhibition held in Hogan Gallery, Sekure D will not only focus on customized sneakers but also showcase a large collection of canvas artworks painted over 2008 and 2009 periods. It shows another facet of this famed sneaker customizer whos sneakers have been countlessly faked and bootlegged. There will be giveaways on the night so be sure to check this out if you are in the area.

Hogan Gallery
310 Smith Street | Map
Collingwood, 3066
Vic., Australia
T: +61 9419 6126
E: info@hogangallery.com.au

Opening Night: Friday, April 17th | 6pm
Exhibition Dates: April 17 - 30



Peace World, I finally had some time to post something in my usual fashion (Lots of pictures, Info, etc) Tho, im sure no one would mind if I posted 5 to 10 quick little things a day, maybe a video here and A gadget there but I wouldnt be happy with the site if that is how I did things.
The Method to my madness is Quality over Quantity, and I dont want to bury posts in the same day. I was really excited to come across this post about SEKURE D's EXHIBITION over @t Formatmag.com. I've been following his work since 2007 when first really got into the whole streetwear / Sneaker culture again. So needless to say when I saw he had some thing to promote I jumped at the opertunity to make this post a UBER FEATURE filled w/ some of my favorite Custom joints he has done over the years. Tho the gallery is in Austrailia and I wont be able to attend and niether will the majority of the people who read this, but I will have the chance to shed light on An amazing artist in hopes of inspiring some upcoming talent while giving credit to the already seasoned artist, SEKURE D. Enjoy.


Sekure D's photostream on FLICKR

SEKURE D hard @t work

Super-Robots | Conscienceless-heroism | Lost-In-Wonderland


Canvas previews for "Daylight Hallucination" Solo exhibition.
Hogan Gallery, April 17 -30, 2009.



Due to A high demand in Sneaker Culture and A High Volume of Questions about how to custom, everything from paints to brushes and where SEKURE gets his ideas, there is now a place that has all the answers. For issue 14 of Sneaker Freaker, SEKURE completed a start to finish guide on customizing that included the preparation, painting and finishing touches required to make a classic painted custom shoe. This guide has now gone up on their website and can be seen here.


Nike "The Labyrinth" Air Force 1 Low

windchill nike airforce 180

NIKE 'Concrete Cobalt' Air Stab Trainers


Nike Air Zoom LeBron II Low
"Daylight Hallucination"


Custom 7" Mohawk Gremlin. Done as a trade with a friend who is an illustrator*, the aim of the project was to create a washed out graffiti aesthetic and make the character appear as if he was melting.

Sekure D interview w/ FORMATMAG.COM
by Jesse Ship

Sekure D is one of Australia’s young rising stars in the ever growing streetwear scene. At only 22 years of age, he’s on top of the game with his highly detailed custom Nikes, and soon a major collaboration with Globe. Like many in the business, he started off with a love of graffiti, hip-hop and basketball, and has never looked back since. But things were not always so easy. Sekure grew up surrounded by a culture that never quite encouraged his art, and forced him to keep things on the d-low. However, once he scored his first few urban shop paintings in his local town of Melbourne, things really took off and it was time to come out of hiding!

“The artistic culture of Melbourne especially is so strong it really helps foster creativity and individuality. Street art, graffiti, fashion, and galleries, there is literally something for everyone.”

Format: Did you go to art school? Where/how did you learn to do what you do?
Sekure D: I never attended art school, if I remember correctly the last art class I went to was in middle school when I was about 12 years old and we mostly did arts and crafts. In high school my friends got into graffiti and I have been into it now for about eight years, that’s basically all the training I have. I learnt everything through trial and error which is a great way to learn in my opinion.

Format: How much time do you spend working on a shoe custom?
Sekure D: When I began it was something ridiculous like 40+ hours but like anything you improve your technique and you get quicker and better. My first pair of shoes was also the first time I ever properly painted with a brush. After a lot of refinement it’s down to approximately 10-16 hours depending on the detail and style.

Format: Has your style evolved since you started working on shoes?
Sekure D: Most definitely, since I never attended art school it forced me to research styles, painters and techniques, that has then in-turn helped shape my work. When I began I couldn’t really name a favorite painter outside of the graffiti world but I’m glad to say now I have plenty. When I started painting shoes a lot of the time they had existing themes such as the ‘Sin City’ Dunks or the ‘Redeemer’ Air Force Ones. Now I most definitely focus on originality and bringing something new to the medium, I try and approach the sneakers as a canvas and a piece of artwork rather then just a shoe.

Format: How many personal pairs do you own?
Sekure D: I have about 220-250 pairs of shoes of which maybe 12 are customs.

Format: What are your thoughts on the recent ban on the Air Stab in the UK? Is the world now a safer place (sarcasm)?
Sekure D: I am not entirely sure how that is going to help especially since the ‘stab’ stands for stability if I am not mistaken. Being in Australia I do not have first hand experience with the situation but I can’t see the shoe being a major contributing factor to the violence, are they going to ban Sharpies?

Format: Your Swamp Thing Dunks are phenomenal. What are you into reading these days? Any plans for The Watchmen inspired, or other comic inspired kicks?
Sekure D: Cheers, I wish I could show you them in person, the photographs do them no justice. I literally just put down ‘Paradise Lost’ by John Milton, maybe tonight I will go back through some ‘Sin City’ editions, I am very fond of Frank Miller’s work.

Its funny you mention Watchmen, it is my favorite graphic novel. I have made a lot of people read it, especially now the movie is coming out which I can only hope is as brilliant as the book. I have put much thought into whether or not I was going to a shoe based on it however I have decided against it for a few reasons, for now at least.

Format: Australia is home to Sneakerfreaker, Tee, and other great streetwear mags and brands. What is your take on the popularity of Aussie street culture?
Sekure D: We are very diverse down here; the artistic culture of Melbourne especially is so strong it really helps foster creativity and individuality. Street art, graffiti, fashion, and galleries, there is literally something for everyone. You only have to walk around the streets of the city and surrounding suburbs to see just how strong it is.

Format: Some say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. How do you feel to have bootleg Sekure D kicks floating around in cyberspace?
Sekure D: Initially I was furious but quickly afterwards I saw the humor in it, as you say, in a weird way I guess it’s flattering. There are now seven Sekure D fakes but my customers are savvy enough to not make the mistake of purchasing a fake. I copped one as kind of a trophy but I won’t be getting the rest, no more of my cash is going in their direction.

Format: Can you tell us about what you are working on at the moment?
Sekure D: Currently I am just trying to fill out a new sketch book, it seems such a waste to have blank pages, I feel like it’s taunting me. Other than that I think some canvas work is next up.

Format: Other than more sneakers, what else lies in the future for Sekure D?
Sekure D: I have just wrapped up a collaboration with skate brand Globe which is set to release early 2009 in the USA, Europe and Australia. It has been an exciting project, some pics and info will start to leak about that soon I am sure. The focus of the project was to maintain the custom aesthetic often lost in mass production while still harnessing the details only available in a production run shoe. The end result is something pretty different, however I’m sure it will be received well and it looks great on-foot, which is of the utmost importance.

Currently I am also collaborating with Diamond Fondue clothing label which is set to release their ‘Season 0’ T’s soon I believe and some Sekure D apparel might not be too far off either, we will play that by ear. There are also a few other bits and pieces but I gotta keep them under wraps for now.

More Info: http://www.sekured.com/