As the Hero of the Hobbyshop CultClassic children of the 80's who grew up in the classic BoomBap GoldenEra 90's Nintendo Generation.......? Huh ?.......... of coooooaaarse Ima keep bombarding you guys with any and everything I find with MEGAMAN attached to it. So when I came across the Medicom / Megaman I knew I would be posting it up, tho I waited a few days, and when I had some free time this evening I searched and came across...www.albotas.com
Which is like The Hobbyshop Hero minus the Classic HipHop and well.... HipHop hahaha....But I gotta say, I would definitely recommend checking it out if you are a fan of this site. In fact, I came across this dope Graffiti artist by the name of ANO9S due to A.L.B.O.T.A.S. so check em out when you can and tell em we sent you. =)
Now Enjoy the post and I am going to wait for my Unobtainable Soulmate to get off work and give me A Ring Ring ha ha hey hey.......
MedicomToy x Capcom
And this next one is for my Unobtainable Soulmate Lady Desire. Here's a little inspiration via ANO and crew. =)
"now that's a dope 3D Model!"